We Have Peace With God, and More! Part 2

The Results of the Gospel in the Lives of Sinful Believers!

Romans 5:1-11

May 28, 2023

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.     Introduction (Romans 5:1-11)


Romans is filled with priceless gems given to the heart of broken people

The best truth of all was the moment that you trusted Christ, you were declared to be righteous before God!

After this peace treaty was put into effect, the Christian has access to practical peace now!

Let’s read all of Romans 5:1-11 for today’s message…

Notice all those benefits of FAITH


II.   Review from Last Week


A.   “Therefore Being Justified by Faith …” (Romans 5:1) What a statement!


1.    Being MADE RIGHT

2.    NO RECORD of a crime (sin)

3.    JUSTIFIED – just as if I never sinned – like my sins never happened (removed)


B.   Peace with God (Romans 5:1)


1.    Paul is saying we can have peace with God now, not just in heaven one day (RIP)


a.     NOT peace like the hippies… but real peace with God!

b.    Not peace with themselves… but real, powerful peace with God!

c.     And we need it!

d.    Isaiah 48:22  There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.


2.    We received it as a gift when we wanted it, believed it is true!


C.   We NOW Have Access to God's Grace – His Kindness (Romans 5:2)


1.    The Catholic Church says that people can access God through Mary, and through the sacraments

2.    Yet the Bible says we have one high priest, one mediator, one way to the Father...

3.    JESUS! (John 14:6)  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

4.    Because of Jesus, we access the Kindness / Grace of God now!


D.   A Right Standing with God (Romans 5:2)


1.    When a guilty sinner becomes born again, their legal standing before God is no longer as ruined, defeated, condemned sinners

2.    But instead, are Absolutely Forgiven


E.   Justification brings Joy! Rejoicing, and Glorying (Romans 5:2-5)


1.    The First Evidence of Salvation is Joy

2.    And Anticipation – we don’t get stuck in the here and now

3.    We rejoice when going through tribulation / intense troubles


a.    Because we KNOW our troubles have value

b.    Because Troubles actually produce Patience in us

c.     Because Patience also produces something else in us – Experience

d.    And because Experience produces HOPE

e.     And a Christian’s hope is never disappointed / ashamed!


4.    A great evidence of salvation is Joyful Endurance


III.         Message


A.   Justification results in the Holy Ghost dwelling within every Believer (Romans 5:5)


1.    An evidence of salvation is the Holy Spirit IN You!

2.    Every believer has the Holy Spirit IN THEM!

3.    God is no longer separated from us!

4.    And that changes your life


a.     Yes, He Comforts us in every dark hour

b.    He guides our steps as we listen to His words in the Bible

c.     But He also rebukes us when we do wrong


B.   The Holy Spirit is at work Filling us with the Love of God! (Romans 5:5)


1.    Being loved is probably THE most sought after feeling

2.    Not my love for him - But his love for me

3.    Where Can You Find Such Love?

4.    God does not force it on anybody! He will not force it on anyone who doesn’t want it!

5.    You have got to want it


C.   Two more benefits to learn about…

D.   All it takes is a CHOICE, to Believe God


1.    Belief is ALWAYS a decision to believe

2.    It just accepts what God says about myself, and about Himself, and His Son!

3.    Jesus Christ is the best promise God ever kept!


IV.Application and Conclusion


A.   Is there any evidence of justification?

B.   According to the Bible


1.    You are either at war with God, or at peace

2.    You are either saved, or lost


C.   Will you finally admit you are in trouble with God, and are ready to accept the free gift of eternal life, that is offered you at Christ’s expense?